A digital platform with fully customized, 3D printed tooth-moving tools

LightForce Technology

The LightForce software is a cloud-based system that helps us to create a treatment plan that can adapt to changes in tooth position. This way we can spend more time moving your teeth than the brackets. This software can assist your dentist control the vertical movement of your teeth while maintaining the appropriate force. LightPlan is able to detect the bite in both initial and final places and allows us to place the brackets on the tooth in such a way as to help minimize common issues that arise.
Move teeth, not brackets.
Adapt to every change in tooth position

Control vertical movement without compromising torque
- Technology for Smile Arc
- Finish with appropriate over-jet, over-bite and anterior coupling
Control the arch-plane
The arch-plane can be at any orientation
- LightPlan detects bracket occlusion in both the initial and final conditions
- Designed for occlusal interferences, hygiene or center of rotation

Place the brackets anywhere

Place bracket more mesial or distally without compromising rotation
- Avoid occlusal interferences and bond crowded/rotated brackets on day one

The Cloud brackets are made of white ceramic and can be customized for your specific treatment plan.

The LightTray is a 3D printed tray that allows us to create an exact replica mold of your teeth in just a few minutes. This will help us transfer the brackets directly onto your teeth.

TurboTrays, developed by LightForce, are used to help correct deep bites and reduce common issues that arise during orthodontic treatment. You may want to speak with your orthodontist about this further during your consultation.